On the fourth day we made a trip to a deeper wreck called
"Le Trafic". The ship has only recently been discovered (2003?) and lays in
60 meters of water. There is not much known about this little ship. We where
told that 50 - 100 meters from the bow in western direction there seem to be
a drop-off to very great depths. Ivo and me decided to follow this direction
and try to find this abyss. The only thing we found was an empty reel (200
mtr) and a lot of sand @ 82 meters. We decided to return to the wreck. I
only managed to make some front pictures of the boat because no bottom time
was left...
Rebreather dive using TX 13/38 as diluent.
Bailout gas TX 13/38, 10 litres, Deco gas EAN 70 10 ltr.
Dive time 101 minutes, max depth 82,5 meters (270 ft)