First World War Origins
The use of oxygen breathing apparatus for use
against gas in the German Army dates back to 1915, when Dräger-Tübben
Modell 1914 30-minute oxygen sets were issued in small numbers to
certain font line troops. The British had issued Siebe Gorman
Salvus oxygen sets to their machine gunners and artillerymen, but
realised that such equipment was too clumsy and required special
While planning their first gas attack for Loos
in 1915, the British took the German oxygen apparatus into
The Dräger-Tübben apparatus was later
supplemented by the issue of Dräger's one-hour Heeres Sauerstoff
Schutzgerät (HSS-Gerät) or 'Army Oxygen Equipment' of 1916. More
than 100,000 Dräger-Tübben and 16,000 HSS sets were eventually issued
during the war. The HSS saw service through to the end of the
war and after the introduction of the more complex and heavier
The Heeresatmer (HA) (Army Breathing Apparatus)
was a self-contained oxygen breathing apparatus developed from a
series of sets manufactured by Dräger. Visually and mechanically quite
similar to the Dräger Modell 1923 apparatus, the HA actually seems to
have been adapted and simplified from a later civilian type used by
fire brigades, in mine rescue and other industrial tasks. Referred to
in early civil defence literature as the "Preß-Sauerstoff-Atmungsgerät
mit Regeneration" (Pressurized Oxygen Regenerating Breathing
Apparatus) this apparatus appears to be the same as the Dräger Modell
160 apparatus. The German Luftschutzdienst (Air Defence Service) were
probably issued this civilian model for rescue work initially, but
were later issued with the military Heeresatmer.
The HA was issued for use in atmospheres where
an ordinary filter respirator was insufficient, namely in confined
spaces with a deficiency of oxygen, in very high concentrations of
toxic air or in the presence of poison gas that filters could not
protect against. The danger of such atmospheres was such that German
regulations specified that the Heeresatmer was to be "always used with
two, preferably three men, each similarly equipped" in case one of the
team was injured or his apparatus failed for whatever reason.
Weighing in at 11.8kg, the Heeresatmer consisted
of a lightweight metal two-piece casing carried on the back using two
leather shoulder staps and a waist belt. Ribs were raised on the outer
surface of the back panel of the casing, allowing the apparatus to be
pushed along ahead of the wearer should he need to remove the set from
his back (whilst still wearing the mask) to negociate a low or narrow
The back panel could be removed by the use of a
spring-loaded catch at the bottom of the casing. (Move your mouse over
the image at left to do this!) Inside, mounted on the main part of the
casing were the main components: the oxygen control group, oxygen
bottle and breathing bag, with the necessary connecting tubes and
hoses. On a shelf near the top of the casing sat the CO2
regeneration filter.
Running through holes in the casing were a
pressure gauge for the oxygen supply and a twin hose assembly that led
to the wearer's facepiece.
Those using the Heeresatmer wore their normal
respirator facepiece with it; this was so that the facepiece would be
guarenteed to provide a proper fit for the individual. Facepieces
fitted with outlet valves required a slight adjustment before they
could be used; the screw-cap used to seal the twin hose manifold
whilst it was stored in the transit chest was fitted over the valve
from inside the mask, in order to keep the circuit sealed off from the
outside atmosphere when the apparatus was in use.
Any mask fitted with an inlet valve needed it to
be removed, as air had to be both inhaled and exhaled through the
filter attachment housing. Tools were provided so that the older
GM-17, GM-18 and GM-24 facepieces could be adapted and used as well as
the newer GM-30 and GM-38 types. The Russians found a Heeresatmer set
in Hitler's bunker when they searched it in May 1945. There is no
direct evidence that it was actually for the Führer's personal use,
but it is quite possible: "A door led to Hitler's was a
bed with a night table...a safe in which he kept secret papers...and
oxygen apparatus." Cabinets in a nearby corridor contained
ordinary gas masks and other air-raid equipment.
After the war, Czechoslovakian manufacturer
Chirana (who had probably been producing equipment for the Germans
during occupation) manufactured a copy of the Heeresatmer, known as
the E-146.
Published with the permission of Peter Hubbs. Homepage of Peter: |