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This article could only be made with the
help of Michael Jung, Paul Geilenkirchen, Jens Bech (my father), Jacques
Crul director of the Blegny Mine. |
First rebreather designed in 1853 in Belgium by professor T. Schwann
Many times I read about the man who invented
the first rebreather. Most diving books write that the first rebreather was
designed and patented by Mr. Fleuss in cooperation with Siebe Gorman. In
fact Mr. Fleuss patented the first rebreather, but this man Professor
Theodore Schwann invented the first unit. A very common mistake that can be
found in many books is that he was a Belgium scientist. He was not. Theodore
Schwann was born in Neuss in 1810 and is German. The invention was done in
Belgium when he was working as a professor in Liége. |
This page offers all the materials I could
find about this first rebreather, and the scientist Schwann. There are some
pages that still need to be translated. I would be very pleased if someone
is able to translate the French text in English. |
Janwillem Bech; April 2006 |
Theodor Schwann 1810 - 1882
Theodore Schwann was a German physiologist who was born at
Neuss in Germany on the 7th of December 1810. Schwann studied in Cologne and
afterwards at Bonn, where he met Johannes Müller, in whose physiological
experiments he soon came to assist. He next went to Würzburg to continue his
medical studies, and from there to Berlin to graduate in 1834. Here he met
Müller again, who had been meanwhile moved to Berlin, and who finally
persuaded him to enter on a scientific career and appointed him assistant at
the anatomical museum. Schwann in 1838 was called to the chair of anatomy at
the Roman Catholic university of Louvain, where he remained nine years. In
1847 he went as professor to Liége, where he remained until his death on the
11th of January 1882. He was of a peculiarly gentle and amiable character,
and remained a devout Catholic throughout his life. It was during the four
years spent under the influence of Müller at Berlin that all Schwann's
really valuable work was done. Müller was at this time preparing his great
book on physiology, and Schwann assisted him in the experimental work
required. His attention being thus directed to the nervous and muscular
tissues, besides making such histological discoveries as that of the
envelope of the nerve-fibres which now bears his name, he initiated those
researches in muscular contractility since so elaborately worked out by Du
Bois Reymond and others. He was thus the first of Müller's pupils who broke
with the traditional vitalism and worked towards a physico-chemical
explanation of life. Müller also directed his attention to the process of
digestion, which Schwann showed to depend essentially on the presence of a
ferment called by him pepsin. Schwann also examined the question of
spontaneous generation, which he greatly aided to disprove, and in the
course of his experiments discovered the organic nature of yeast. In fact
the whole germ theory of Louis Pasteur, as well as its antiseptic
applications by Joseph Lister, is traceable to his influence. Once when he
was dining with Schleiden in 1837, the conversation turned on the nuclei of
vegetable cells. Schwann remembered having seen similar structures in the
cells of the notochord (as had been shown by Müller) and instantly realized
the importance of connecting the two phenomena. The resemblance was
confirmed without delay by both observers, and the results soon appeared in
his famous Microscopic Investigations on the Accordance in the Structure
and Growth of Plants and Animals (Berlin, 1839; translated to English by
the Sydenham Society, 1847). The cell theory was thus definitely
constituted. In the course of his verifications of the cell theory, in which
he traversed the whole field of histology, he proved the cellular origin and
development of the most highly differentiated tissues, nails, feathers,
enamels, etc. His generalization became the foundation of modern histology,
and in the hands of Rudolf Virchow (whose cellular pathology was an
inevitable deduction from Schwann) afforded the means of placing modern
pathology on a truly scientific basis.
This part of his biography describes his scientific career
only. The M. Jung article is more detailed about his work regarding the
development of the first rebreather. |
Thanks to the university of Liege I have
been able to show these documents. Now Rob Bakker has translated
them! I am very grateful to him since that must have been a difficult job.
Now we have access to these really unique documents! |
Note on two apparatus that allow living in an
irrespirable environment (1)
- By
Th. Schwann professor of physiology at the
University of Liège.
Breathing apparatus No. 1 – The operator inspires
atmospherical air from a reservoir that he carries
on his belly. (Pg 24 fig 6,A) The expired air passes
through a box carried on the back and filled with
chalk and soda (B and B’). The carbonic acid is
absorbed here and the in this way purified air
returns to the reservoir.
A great number of newspapers have reproduced
the report, publicized in London, by Mr. Fleus on
the experiences with a new piece of oxygen breathing
diving equipment. The apparatus of Mr. Fleus is
identical in its principle to that Mr. Th. Schwann
exhibited in Paris in 1878, That is why we believe
it is interesting to reproduce the note edited by
Mr. Schwann on the occasion of the exhibition and at
the same time the report on the experiences of Mr.
Fleus copied from a newspaper of May 8th,
A new
diving apparatus. – Mr. Fleus exhibits at this
moment (in the Royal Aquarium in London) a diving
apparatus that marks a new era in the art of
the diver.
To replace the oxygen that disappears in the breathing,
there are two cylinders (C and C’) one above and one below
the absorption box, with a capacity of fifteen liters and
filled with compressed oxygen of 4 to 6 atmospheres.
Up to now the
aforementioned was at the mercy of the men at the line and
the air pump; the invention of Mr. Fleus gives him freedom
to act. In the future it is his own composition he needs to
depend on to safeguard his means of breathing, as the air
pump is now completely superfluous. As compensation, he is
no longer subjected to death by asphyxiation caused by an
accident to the airline or negligence of the men at the
pumps. The new invention is duly patented.
Last Monday
Mr. Fleus stayed under water for two hours and seven minutes
without any communication with the surface. The spectators
amused themselves with throwing him messages written on
stones. After having read them he took his pencil and
responded in writing, remaining under water all the time.
The helmet
that he wore was of normal proportions and form. Exiting
from his bath Mr. Fleus did explain in a few words the
principles on which his invention was based. It is that
simple that it is amazing that nobody has thought of it
before him.
Two words in
advance: atmospherical air is composed of a certain quantity
of oxygen and approximately four times as much nitrogen.
Apart of the oxygen transforms by breathing to carbonic
acid: as the required amount of oxygen is hereby destroyed
the air is no longer fit for breathing. On the other hand if
we replace the amount of oxygen absorbed by the same amount
of the same gas, air, first refreshed, then it can be
breathed again.
Taking these
facts as a base Mr. Fleus said that if he could take a
certain amount of compressed oxygen with him he would be
able to breath freely, releasing a continuous flow of this
gas into the air contained in his diving suit.
The apparatus
consists foremost out of a small container of leather
equipped with entry and exit valves that are connected to
the nose and mouth of the diver, which are kept in place by
elastic bands. Below, in the helmet, the oxygen reservoir is
found, where it is stored under considerable pressure. The
remaining part of the apparatus consists of two purifiers,
one placed in front of the diver and one behind him, below
the suit.
The gas releases by means of a regulator of a new construction
(fig. 1 ,2 and 3,D) that creates a uniform release despite a
continuous reduction of the pressure. The oxygen is conducted
from there by tube d into the exhale tube and passes, together
with the expired air, through the absorption box into the
reservoir hanging in front of the belly.
The air expired by
the respiration passes through the exhale valve by means of a
flexible tube that is attached to it and that communicates with
the purifier placed in front of the diver.
The purifier
consists of a metal plated chamber having a double perforated
bottom: it is divided vertically from top to bottom in two
compartments which contain each a rubber sponge saturated in
caustic alkali solution. The expired air enters at the top of
one of the two compartments, goes through it, passes through the
double bottom and returns through the second compartment; it
passes then through a tube to the purifier placed behind the
diver, which is constructed in the same manner as the first one.
Passing through
these two purifiers, the air is cleaned of all bad elements;
however to make it fit for breathing it needs to be revived. For
this, it enters the inside of the helmet and circulates around
the divers head where it encounters a small pocket of pure
oxygen that comes from the main reservoir to the diver demand
and mixes with it.
The oxygen
enclosed in the helmet to an initial pressure of approximately
200 pounds is released through a small valve placed on the
outside of the container. The space reserved for the provision
of oxygen can contain four cubic feet of oxygen, which suffices
for four hours; that is the longest time that, under normal
circumstances, one can ask a diver to stay under water. The
purifiers have the same proportions, in this way one can
maintain their activity over an equal period of time.
We have forgotten
to mention that the diver, when he is not equipped with hoses
nor air pumps, communicates with the surface by means of a
signaling line.
This invention
will, without any doubt, be very useful in numerous cases, for
instance in the docks where work of divers is often required.
apparatus can be used, depending on the amount of
compression of the oxygen, for a duration of 2, 3 or 4
hours. A trained person has breathed the apparatus for
three hours consecutively, while the oxygen was
compressed to 4 atmospheres.
apparatus No. II. – Experiments on animals and with
humans have proven to me that 100% oxygen can be
breathed without any inconveniences.
Thanks to
that the apparatus, that allows to live in an
irrespirable environment, reduces to an absorption box
(fig. 4 and 7, MM’) filled with chalk, impregnated with
soda and a rubber bag (fig. 7, N) with a capacity of 30
liters. Both are carried on the back. While the bag is
filled with oxygen, the operator inhales part of it
directly through tube o. The exhale gas passes through
tube p and the absorption box, where it losses its
carbonic acid and returns pure into the bag by tube q.
absorption box (look at the makeup, fig. 4) suffices for
breathing for four hours; 30 liters of oxygen suffice
for one hour. However one can carry by hand a steel
cylinder with a capacity of 15 liters, weighing, with
accessories, 3.5 kilograms; enclosing oxygen compressed
to 4 atmospheres or more if one wants. (The compression
takes place effortlessly by the release of the gas when
one heats a mixture of potassium chlorate and copper
oxide in a strong metal container.) One can in this way
refill the bag every hour and stay in an irrespirable
atmosphere for 3 to 4 hours.
If one
takes care to keep the cylinder filled with compressed
oxygen, the apparatus is always ready for use. It can be
used, amongst others, for medical purposes, if one wants
a sick person to breath oxygen.
Detailed explanation
- The
two apparatuses are on the method introduced into
science by Regnault and Reiset, the method consists
of breathing the same air continuously except for
the absorption of carbonic acid and replacing the
oxygen that disappears during breathing.
The description of the basic form of my first
apparatus has been deposited, in a closed envelope,
with the Academy of Science in Brussels in 1854,
following that the Society put the problem up for
contest, on which no reply was received.
Apparatus No.1. – Mouthpiece (fig.5).- After many
trials I found that the best way of fixing the tubes
to the mouth consisted of a piece of metal, concave
on the outside, that rests, with is sides, on the
lips. To the outside face a metal plate is soldered
squarely that sticks between the lips just to the
teeth. It circumvents an opening in the form of an
open mouth. This plate, on which the red part of the
lips press closes off the mouth very well, even for
very bearded persons; it does not provoke salivation
and does not allow any expired air to enter into the
intermediate space; as there is between a mask and
the person. At the front of the piece a short
transversal tube is soldered that carries the
valves: one for inhalation and the other for
exhalation. The nose is closed by a separate elastic
pin, which is utilized at the moment the air becomes
Absorption box BB’ (fig 1, 2 and 6) – This occupies
the space between the two cylinders in such a way
that the upper and lower sides fit to these.
- It
is compose of two parts, between which is halfway a
metal plate that separates two spaces leaving a
communicating hole over the length of the plate. In
each part there are two walls that divide the space
into three transverse channels. The holes that have
conveniently been drilled in the walls and the
practical opening in the intermediate plate force
the air to travel the six channels before arriving
at the exit opening. Each channel encloses in the
middle a tube of wire-cloth to ensure the passage of
air (see fig.4); the remaining space left over in
the channels is filled with hydrated lime wetted
with a solution of caustic-soda. The box contains 5
kilograms, sufficient for breathing for five hours.
- The
box is made completely from copper. To reduce the
weight, it would be better to make it out of
hardened rubber.
Oxygen cylinders. – As a precaution these two
cylinders are completely independent of each other,
having each just one opening, closed with a valve
with a screw closure. To make them accessible to the
hand of the operator the two valves are place on the
face of the right side of the lower cylinder C’
(fig.2), one (F) opens directly to the cylinder, the
other (G) is just mounted there and receives by a
copper tube (g) the gas from the upper cylinder. The
channels leaving these two valves end in a cavity of
a small piece of copper (II) mounted in the center
of the base of the lower cylinder. It is in this
central part that one can screw either the pump to
compress the oxygen or a copper tube which is
connected through a strong rubber tube to a metal
retort where the oxygen is extricated. It contains a
mixture of potassium chlorate and copper oxide. If
it is heated the extrication of the gas produces the
compression by itself.
From the same cavity of the central part (II) a tube
(d’) connects to a regulator (D) that ensures a
flow and from there the gas arrives through a rubber
tube (d) in the tube (b) where the exhaled air
passes through. The small valve of the regulator (i)
allows to regulate the amount of oxygen that needs
to flow very precisely, that is approximately half a
liter per minute.
- In
the tube (d) connecting the regulator with the
central part (H) there is a normal valve (K), which
is coarsened carefully, so that the knob is usable
by hand.
- It
is opened when you want to breathe from the
Below this ordinary valve, the tube (d’) in which it
is mounted branches off in two directions: one goes
to a pressure gauge; I call the other ‘baby-bottle’
- The
pressure gauge is placed in such a way that one can
always touch a lengthened pointer with your hand.
This moves behind a circle-segment of buttons that
indicates the pressure in atmospheres. The other
branch is a long tube of lead fixed to the right
iron carrying strap. At the right shoulder the tubes
ends in a small valve. A small rubber tube connects
this valve with the reservoir (A) that is worn on
the belly and from which one breathes in.
- The
‘baby-bottle’ first serves to route gas to the
reservoir if there is not enough, then in
maintaining the breathing when something is wrong
with the regulator and finally to provide oxygen to
a suffocated person, where the rubber tube is put in
his mouth.
Regulator (fig.3). – It is composed of four circular
plates of 7 cm diameter, copper plated, with
circular extensions, like an aneroid barometer. They
are soldered together at the ends, two by two. The
lower plate shows a thread with which the regulator
is attached to tube (d’). In the screw is a small
channel of which the entrance is enlarged to a cone.
The space between the plates of the first couple
communicates in the center with the second. Finally
on the
fourth plate there is a knob with a screw and blanking
plug. A metal valve stem travels through the blanking
plug in the axis of the device; at its inner end one
sees a small cone that pays the role of a valve on the
hollow entrance. A tiny delicate valve (i) screwed on
one the set of plates allows to regulate the gas flow.
operation of the regulator is easy to understand: once a
bit of compressed gas has entered the cavity of the
regulator the plates bulge. This causes the upper plate
to move away from the lower and as the valve stem is
fixed to the upper plate the cone screwed to the other
end of the stem closes the conical opening and stops the
inflow of gas until a part has flowed from the valve.
The valves opens to be closed again when the pressure
formed in the cavity is enough and reaches, for
instance, a quarter atmosphere. During the flow of gas
the valve vibrates, which can be heard sometimes.
respect to the functioning of the apparatus when it is
worn like it is shown in fig.6, care should be taken
that the reservoir is kept in front of the belly, filled
as much as possible with atmospherical air. Then one
opens the valves of one of the cylinders and the
pressure gage indicates the pressure available. Next
ordinary valve (K) that is in tube (d’) is opened. These
valves and the pressure gauge are operable by hand. As
the oxygen flow now has started, respiration can start
without impediment for a duration of 3 to 4 hours. An
engineer, from a large company, charged with training
workers to save asphyxiated persons, has breathed from
my apparatus, without fatigue, for three hours, with an
initial oxygen pressure of four atmospheres. The weight
of the complete charged apparatus is 24 kilograms. This
could be seriously reduced by the use of steel and
hardened rubber.
No II. – The description given below suffices to
understand it. It weighs, filled with lime and soda (4
kilograms) and all the accessories (braces, plank, bag)
30 kilograms. The absorption box is made from copper; it
will be replaced by boxes made from hardened rubber on
top of each other, in such a way that the bottom of one
forms the cover of the preceding one. This is the way to
reduce the weight even further.
persons have each breathed the second apparatus for one
hour, just until the bag was empty. A dog has even, in
the same way, during three hours, with refilling oxygen.
A rat has lived in pure oxygen in a different apparatus
for three times twenty-four hours, without showing any
sign of illness.
One could
add to this machine a little rubber ball that can be
squeezed and released alternatively, equipped with an
entry and an exit valve. The inlet opening is connected
to the valve that lets oxygen into the bag and the
outlet opening is connected to a long rubber tube. This
set-up allows supplying an asphyxiated with oxygen.
Liege, May 26th, 1878
Rob, thanks for the fine job! |
Michael Jung has been publishing a very nice
article about Schwann in 1999. Here you find these two pages published in "Divemaster" |
Here is the English translation of the
article by M. Jung. I would like to thank Rita Oosterbaan for this great
job! Thanks Rita!
The article has been translated with the lind permission of the author! |
The Rebreather of Th. Schwann
Michael Jung
December 2005.
translation by Rita Oosterbaan.
published on
systems that are now called "Rebreathers", formerly known as breathing
apparatuses, are becoming more common in the diving world. Breathing gas
mixtures such as Nitrox offer new perspectives for recreational sport
diving. The "Drägerwerke" from Lubeck, because of their ongoing innovations
in the development of recycling apparatuses, have been the centre of
attentions ever since the beginning of the 20th century. However,
it is hardly known that the original idea of a portable breathing apparatus
was invented by the Germain Theodoor (also called Theodore, M., or Theo)
Schwann. Michael Jung of the Hans Hass institute reports in this translated
work from an article of 1999 in the magazin Divemaster:
technique of the recycling breathing apparatuses is, as is the phenomenon of
chemical regeneration of air, very old and initially originated from the
general breathing protection technique. Although only the apparatuses of the
last 100 of years are really fully operational, history takes us much
further back and the use of the systems during the war increased
considerably. The requirements of the fire brigade, mineworkers and coke
installations were the real pulses for the construction of the breathing
protection systems. The English botanist Stephan Hales invented the first
breathing circuit and air regeneration apparatus around 1726. A wooden
mouthpiece with an inhale and exhale valve contained a windbag with
separating walls of flannel. The flannel had been impregnated with sea salt
and wine-stone and had to absorb "acid air from the lungs". Hales could
breathe almost 9 minutes from this primitive apparatus. In 1774, Cavallo
suggested to take an oxygen stock along in bags which could be inhaled in
case of "spoiled matter". The exhalation also needed to take place into the
bag, where the dirty air (carbon dioxide) was absorbed by the lime already
in the bag. Another interesting idea came from Jan Ingenhousz. In 1779, the
physicist introduced his invention of air regeneration to the Royal society:
air had to be exhaled into a bottle with lime water, so that the carbon
dioxide was bound by lime water and air could be inhaled again. The basic
principle of regeneration of breathing air - to flow exhaled air through a
chemical active fixed substance or a fluid to absorb the carbon dioxide -
was maintained by more recent manufactures. Other inventors in this area
were Robert Menzies (1790), Voigt (1795) Pilatre de Rozier (1783), known as
the first balloonist, and Francois H.S.de l'Aulanye (1786). Even Alexander
von Humbold tested his efforts between 1795 and 1799 by regenerating
breathing air in a simple construction of a closed circuit system. However
the first portable recycling oxygen apparatus that was really successful was
build in 1853 by the German naturalist, physician and physiologist,
Professor Dr.Theodoor Schwann. Theodoor Schwann was born in 1810 on December
7 in Neuss (near Keulen) where his father had a bookshop. He died in 1882 on
January 11 in Keulen. He was the fourth son of a big family - he had 12
brothers and sisters. After finishing primary and grammar school in Neuss
and Keulen he studied medical science at the university in Bonn, Würstenburg
and Berlijn. In 1839 he was appointed in his first academic job at the
University of Leuven after working as an assistant at the anatomical museum
in Berlin for 5 years. In 1848, he went to the Belgian University in Luik
where he was appointed as a professor in the anatomy. There he worked until
1880. Even after ending his post, Schwann remained in Luik and only spent
his holiday with his family who lived in Neuss, Keulen and Dusseldorf. After
given lectures at the university, he intensively occupied himself with the
question of the physiology of breathing and carried out a large number of
direction indicating experiments. In 1837, after a number of experiments, he
collected conclusive evidence for the fact that yeast is a living organism
and that fermentation takes place by its life supporting activities.
rebreather system of Th. Schwann
The first
great initiatives were taken in the mining industry by the Belgian academy
of Sciences. In the middle of the nineteenth century, after a mining
disaster in Belgian, a scientific quiz was organized. People were challenged
to construct
a stretcher and a rescue system
that could be set in during mining accidents. Schwann handed in his
construction design in 1853. It was the design of a recycling system, called
“Aerophor"; it was the first closed system in which breathing air
continually was recycled and made ready for use again, after the metabolized
oxygen had been replaced. The basic principle invented by Schwann is still,
though nowadays in advanced technical form, accepted. First of all,
Schwann wanted to absorb the Carbon Dioxide and produce Oxygen at the same
time using heavy oxygen tanks
with Bariumsuperoxide. As he did not succeed in creating a strong enough
chemical reaction he started using absorption material. The absorption
material was soaked by caustic Calciumhydroxide to react with the CO2. The
oxygen that was metabolized was supplied by two carried cylinders filled
with oxygen of 5 bar. As you can see from the pictures the thought of the
recycling principle was very well solved by Schwann. Both cylinders are
fastened at the back: the pressure is displayed by a pressure gauge. The CO2
absorption canister is located between both cylinders. In front a rubber bag
used as a breathing bag (counterlung) is fastened on the belly. The
mouthpiece contains two one-way valves. By the strengths of the lungs the
metabolized air is expired through the valves and expiration hose into the
canister. The canister is filled with granular material. The expired air
flows through the several connected compartments and the metal perforate
partitions of the canister. In here the air is ‘cleaned’ and flows into the
breathing bag from which the air is inhaled again by the inspiration hose
and valve in the mouthpiece. The needed fresh oxygen is added on demand from
the oxygen cylinder by a small nozzle. By this
regulator the valve is adjusted by hand in such a way that the valve closes
only after the pressure in the first compartment of the canister has reached
1,25 bar! Therefore about 0,5 litres of oxygen per minute can flow out of
the cylinders by itself. The apparatus from Schwann could supply breathable
gas for about 60 minutes. The weight of the unit is about 20 kilograms. From
this system only a few test models are made. The system has never made it to
get produced in series and has never been used that much. A tragic incident
that took place in 1876 was the reason that the ingenious and valuable
design of Th. Schwann was lifted from the archives of the academy after all
and published at the "Brussels hygiene - exhibition". The model was
explained in more detail in 1877 in the " Revue universelles des Mines".
constructions used so far were mainly designed for usage in caustic or
un-breathable atmospheres at the surface, for instance in mines or burning
buildings. Only after 25 years, in 1878, after the basic invention of Th.
Schwann, in Britain an apparatus was presented for the diving market. The
system was constructed by Henry A. Fleuss and was made for use as well for
underwater as for caustic atmospheres. The principle of the system is the
same although the construction differs. Fleuss is the designer of the first
functioning oxygen rebreather apparatus used by divers. After several phases
in the designing process and different types of rebreathers these first
oxygen rebreathers have been the basic model for nowadays rebreather
systems. In the meanwhile we can review at a history of designing
rebreathers which is almost 150 years old.
Following pictures are photos of the actual
scientific instruments used by Professor Schwann: |

Courtesy universiteit van Luik |

Courtesy of universiteit van Luik. Personal instruments of Professor T.
Schwann |
Next pictures where made by Paul
Geilenkirchen in the Blegny Mine museum (Belgium) . The photos show one of
the three (?) Schwann units with modifications to hoses and breathing
bag. |

Schwann rebreather, design 1853. |
Het kringlooptoestel van Th. Schwann
Auteur Michael Jung
vertaald uit het Duits door Jens Bech
December 2005.
Het aandeel van nu "Rebreathers" genoemde toestellen,
oorspronkelijk kringlooptoestellen genoemd, wordt steeds groter op de
duikmarkt. Ademgas mengsels zoals Nitrox bieden voor het sportduiken nieuwe
perspektieven. Het zijn vooral de "Drägerwerke" uit
Lubeck die sedert het begin van onze eeuw telkens weer met innovaties in de
ontwikkeling van kringlooptoestellen op de voorgrond traden. Het is echter
nauwlijks bekend, dat het oorspronkelijke idee van een draagbaar
kringloopademtoestel komt van de Duitser Theodoor (Theodore, M, Theo =alternative
benamingen) Schwann. Michael Jung van het Hans Hass instituut doet verslag.
Vertaald werk uit een artikel van 1999 uit Divemaster.
De techniek van de kringlooptoestellen is
net zoals de chemische regeneratie van ademlucht zeer oud en komt
oorspronkelijk uit de gasbescherm techniek (adembescherming). Men begon
hiermee al heel lang geleden, hoewel de werkelijk bruikbare toestellen van
de laatste 100 jaar zijn, en het gebruik ervan in de oorlog aanzienlijk
toenam. De eisen van de brandweer, mijnen en cokesinstallaties waren de
impulsen voor de constructie van de adembeschermings toestellen. De Engelse
botanicus Stephan Hales vond rond 1726 het eerste kringloop ademhaling en
regeneratie toestel uit. Een houten mondstuk waarin het in- en uitadem
ventiel zat, was van een adembalg voorzien, die scheidingswanden van flanel
had. Deze flanel was doordrenkt met zeezout en wijnsteen. Dit flanel moest
de "zure longlucht" absorberen. Hales kan bijna 9 minuten met dit primitieve
apparaat ademen.
In 1774 stelde Cavallo voor een
zuurstofvoorraad mee te nemen in zakken, zodat men bij het optreden van
"bedorven materie" die kon inademen. De uitademing moest ook weer in de zak
gebeuren, terwijl de zich daarbij onstane vieze lucht (kooldioxide) door het
zich in die zak bevindende kalkwater geabsorbeerd werd. Een ander
interessant voorstel kwam van Jan Ingenhousz. De fysicus stelde zijn
uitvinding, waarbij de ademlucht weer geregenereerd zou worden, in 1779 voor
aan de Royal Society: de uitgeademde lucht moest door een fles met kalkwater
geademd worden, zodat het kooldioxide door het kalkwater gebonden werd en de
lucht weer ingeademd kon worden.
Het grondprincipe van de
ademhalingsgeneratie - de uitgeademde lucht door een chemisch aktieve vaste
stof of een vloeistof leiden en aldus de kooldioxide te binden - werd door
de latere constructeurs gehandhaafd. Andere uitvinders, die zich aan de
regeneratie van een ademtoestel waagden, waren Robert Menzies (1790), Voigt
(1795) Pilatre
de Rozier (1783), bekend wegens het eerste opstijgen met een ballon, en
Francois H.S.de l'Aulanye (1786). Zelfs Alexander von Humbold beproefde zijn
krachten tussen 1795 en 1799 op een eenvoudige bouwvorm van een gesloten
kringlooptoestel met regeneratie van ademlucht. De eerste succesvolle
constructie van een vrij draagbaar zuurstof kringloop apparaat werd echter
pas in 1853 door de Duitse natuuronderzoeker, arts en fysioloog, Professor
Dr.Theodoor Schwann ondernomen. Theodoor Schwann (geboren op 7 december 1810
in Neuss (nabij Keulen) , gestorven op 11 Januari 1882 te Keulen) is als de
vierde zoon van een kinderrijk gezin - hij had 12 broers en zusters- in
Neuss geboren, waar zijn vader een boekhandel bezat. Na het bezoek aan de
lagere school en het gymnasium in Neuss en Keulen studeerde hij medicijnen
aan de universiteit in Bonn, Würstenburg en Berlijn. Nadat hij 5 jaar lang
als assistent aan het anatomisch museum in Berlijn werkte kreeg hij in 1839
aan de universiteit van Löwen zijn eerste academische aanstelling. In 1848
ging hij over naar de Belgische universiteit in Luik, alwaar hij tot
Professor in de anatomie benoemd werd. Daar werkte hij tot 1880.
Schwann bleef ook na beëindiging van zijn ambt in Luik en bracht zijn
vakantie alleen maar door bij zijn familie in Neuss, Keulen en Dusseldorf.
Na zijn colleges aan de universiteit hield hij zich intensief bezig met het
vraagstuk van de ademfysiologie en voerde een groot aantal richting
aangevende experimenten uit. In 1837 vond hij langs experimentele weg het
éénduidige bewijs voor het feit, dat gist een levend wezen is en dat de
gisting zich voltrekt door zijn levensactiviteiten.
Het kringloopsysteem van Th. Schwann
Aan de Belgische academie van Wetenschappen in Brussel komt
de verdienste toe van de eerste grote initiatieven op het gebied van de
mijnbouw. ZIj organiseerde in het midden van de negentiende eeuw , na een
vrij groot ongeluk in de Belgische mijnen een wetenschappelijke prijsvraag
voor de constructie van een draagbaar en voor in de mijnen bruikbaar
reddingstoestel. Schwann nam er deel aan in diende in 1853 een
constructieontwerp in. Het werd een kringlooptoestel, door hem "Aerophor"
genoemd; het eerste toestel met een gesloten systeem, d.w.z. met regeneratie
en een voortdurend hergebruik van de inhoud der ademlucht, na vervanging van
het in de longen verbruikte zuurstof mengsel. Het door Schwann uitgedachte
principe is heden nog, althans in technisch verbeterde vorm, gangbaar.
Schwann wilde allereerst belast door zware zuurstof tanks uit
Bariumsuperoxide gelijktijdig kooldioxide binden en zuurstof ontwikkelen.
Doordat het hem echter niet lukte de chemische reaktie krachtig genoeg te
doen plaatsvinden, gebruikte hij voortaan een absorptiemiddel dat met
het bijtende Calciumhydroxide als absorptiemiddel voor de kooldioxide
doordrenkt was. De door het lichaam opgenomen zuurstof vulde hij aan door
opname uit twee gedragen voorraadtanks die gevuld waren met zuurstof met 5
bar druk. Zoals uit vorige foto's duidelijk zichtbaar was, is de gedachte
van het regeneratie principe door Schwann zeer goed opgelost. De beide
voorraadtanks worden op de rug bevestigd: een manometer toont de druk.
Tussen de beide tanks bevindt zich de regeneratietank ter absorptie van de
kooldioxide. Op de borst wordt een zak van kautschuk bevestigd, die de taak
van ademzak (contralong) heeft. In het mondstuk zijn twee
éénweg ventielen aangebracht. De verbruikte lucht wordt door de
kracht van de longen door het uitademventiel en de uitademingsslang naar de
regeneratietank geleid. Deze is met de korrelachtige massa gevuld en bestaat
uit verscheidene met elkaar verbonden compartiementen, en doorboorde metalen
tussenschotten, waar de ademlucht doorheen stroomt. Die wordt aldaar van de
kooldioxide gereinigd en komt dan weer in de ademzak. Van hieruit wordt ze
via de inademslang en het inademventiel in het mondstuk weer ingeademd. De
vereiste verse zuurstof wordt uit de verse voorraad tanks door middel van
een fijn dosseerbaar ventiel naar behoefte geregeld. In deze regulator wordt
de ventielconus met de hand zo ingesteld dat die zich pas sluit, wanneer in
de voorkamer van de regeneratietank een druk van 1,25 bar heerst!
Dientengevolge kan ongeveer 0,5 liter zuurstof per minuut vanzelf via het
ventiel uit de voorraad tanks ontsnappen. Het toestel van Schwann zou voor
ongeveer 60 minuten adembaar gas bieden. Het gewicht van unit bedraagt
ongeveer 20 kilogram.
Van dit toestel zijn slechts enkele testmodellen
vervaardigd. Tot een seriematige productie en praktisch gebruik schijnt het
niet gekomen te zijn. Helaas werd het vernuftige en zo waardevolle voorstel
van Th. Schwann op grond van een betreurenswaardige omstandigheid pas in
1876 naar aanleiding van de "Brusselse hygiëne - tentoonstelling" van zijn
archiefregels van de academie bevrijd en in 1877 in de " Revue universelles
des Mines" uitvoeriger beschreven.
De tot nu toe gebruikelijke constructies waren op de eerste
plaats ontworpen voor giftige of onadembare atmosferen boven het
wateroppervlak, zoals bijvoorbeeld inde mijnen of voor met rookgassen
gevulde brandende huizen. In 1878 - dus pas 25 jaar na de fundamentele
uitvinding van Th. Schwann - werd toen in Engeland een apparaat voor
duikers bekend, dat door Henry A. Fleuss geconstrueerd werd en zowel voor
gebruik onderwater als ook voor giftige atmosferen bestemd was. Het lijkt in
principe gelijkwaardig hoewel in constructie niet gelijk. Fleuss maakt hier
het eerste functionerende zuurstof-kringloop apparaat voor duikers. Uit deze
eerste zuurstof kringloop toestellen ontstonden in verscheidende
uitvoeringen en na verschillende ontwikkelings stappen onze huidige
rebreathers. Zo kunnen we intussen terugkijken op een bijna 150 jarige
ontwikkelingsgeschiedenis. |
This is the document showing Professor
Schwann was elected on 3 April 1879 as a foreign member of the Royal
Society. |
last update 07-06-2011 |