Nitrogen - helium - oxygen isolating respiratory device
IdA-51m. The breast independent device providing breath on various depths
for a long time. It is used for carrying out of a decompression of divers in
decompression chambers. The device has a respiratory bag, a two-wall
regenerative box under the regenerative substance, two small-displacement
cylinders; one for oxygen, another — for Nitrogen - helium - oxygen mixes,
Oxygen the submitting mechanism, the manual actuator of a gas mix, valves a
box, the corrugated tubes of a breath and an exhalation, poisoning both
safety valves and a bib. The device is supplied by a bag for storage and a
bag with the tool and spare parts.
Application instead of nitrogen of
compressed air which should be preliminary cleared of impurity of oils and
harmful gases is supposed. Breath in the device is carried out through a
mouthpiece, inclusion in the device — at filling of a respiratory bag with
pure oxygen.
The exhaled mix arrives in a regenerative box where it
is cleared of carbonic gas and is enriched with oxygen, then completely
restored arrives in a bag for the next breath. At immersing (pressure
lifting in the chamber) for completion of volume and diluting of pure oxygen
from a cylinder in a respiratory bag manually the actuator moves Nitrogen -
helium - oxygen a mix. At transition to an oxygen decompression the mix of a
respiratory bag is replaced with pure oxygen carrying out of triple washing,
using the manual actuator of an oxygen cylinder.
volume...................2 Х 1.3 liter Max. cylinder pressure........200
bar Dive time duration................5 hour Counterlung
inspire..............8 liter Weight empty in air.............14 kg
MOD..................................100 mtrs
Scrubber............................2.2 kg Constant giving of
gas.........0.3 - 0.5 liters in a minute Dimensions of the device laid in
a bag.......55Х40Х22 Centimeters