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The Gibbs 2-hour apparatus was designed by
W. E. Gibbs, a mechanical
engineer connected with Columbia University, while employed by the
Bureau of Mines as consultant to develop an oxygen breathing apparatus
that would embody ideas suggested by the experience of Bureau engineers
and others and thus be safer and more efficient than the types in use.
After experimental and development work had progressed to the point
where a few apparatus had been built by hand, worn, and tested,
permission to construct the apparatus was issued to an American firm.
Some changes were made to adapt the apparatus to commercial
manufacture; the manufacturer then submitted it to the Bureau for
testing and approval, as provided for in Schedule 13 The Gibbs apparatus
was formally approved February 15, 1920, for safety, reliability, and
efficiency, and approval 1300 was issued to the Mine Safety Appliances
Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., to cover it. After approval numerous changes were
made by the Bureau and the manufacturer to improve various features.
The Gibbs 2-hour apparatus has five main parts:
1. A steel cylinder or bottle, with main and bypass valves, containing
oxygen under high pressure.
2. A reducing valve to reduce high pressure and to supply oxygen from
the oxygen bottle to the wearer as required at a pressure slightly
higher than ordinary or normal.
3. A regenerator containing chemicals for absorbing carbon dioxide.
4. A breathing bag and cooler which, with the regenerator, serve as an
air reservoir. The breathing bag also operates an auxiliary
oxygen-admission valve that is attached to the cooler.
5. A mouthpiece, with inhalation, exhalation, saliva-trap, and
pressure-release valves and tubes that connect to the cooler.
The oxygen bottle is constructed of high-grade carbon steel and tested
in accordance with Interstate Commerce Commission Specifications. The
bottle, when empty, has a capacity of about 1.8 to 1.0 liters (110 to
116 cubic inches) or about 2 quarts and about 245 liters (8.6
cubic feet) of oxygen when fully charged to 135 atmospheres (1,984.5
pounds per square inch). When fully charged the bottle, including main
and bypass valves, weighs about 9 pounds and contains enough oxygen to
supply the wearer for at least 2 hours during strenuous exertion. The
bottle is attached to the apparatus by threaded connections on the
bottom of the reducing valve and the lower end of the bypass tube,
which are connected to the outlets of the valves, and by an adjustable
metal strap. The main valve should be opened two to four complete turns
when the apparatus is being worn (a lock nut and shoulder prevent it
from being opened more than four turns), and it should be locked in the
open position by a chain and snap hook provided for this purpose. The
bypass valve should be opened only
in an emergency
and then but for a short time. A metal tube with a small opening near
its end is attached to the body of the valve and extends several inches
into the oxygen bottle, allowing oxygen to flow from the center of the
bottle through the main or bypass valves without danger of rust, scale,
sediment, or moisture being drawn into the circulatory system. A safety
cap filled with Rose's metal (an alloy of 50 parts bismuth, 28 parts
lead, and 22 parts tin, by weight, melting at 94° C.) and containing a
frangible copper disk is also attached to the valve body by a threaded
connection. This cap provides for escape of oxygen without rupture of
the bottle if exposed to fire. The figure shows how the oxygen bottle is
attached to the apparatus.
The essential parts of the Gibbs reducing valve are a toggle joint
equipped with a threaded metal rod, a casenite seat, a metal spring, and
a steel nozzle. These parts are placed in a valve housing to which is
attached (by a threaded connection) a coiled, cylindrical brass
diaphragm or bellows and a high-pressure fitting (by means of three
metal bolts). The nozzle extends from the high-pressure fitting into the
bottom of the valve housing; the metal spring is placed over the end of
the nozzle; the casenite seat is inserted over the spring and the outlet
of the nozzle and under the lower part of the toggle joint; and the
toggle joint, whose upper part rests against a threaded insert in the
upper part of the housing, is connected to the end of the bellows by the
metal rod. The reducing valve is attached to the apparatus frame by a
threaded projection and a nut on the high-pressure fitting; to the
oxygen bottle by a strong threaded connection having a fiber gasket and
a copper screen ; and to the oxygen supply and gage tubes by threaded
connections. If the reducing valve is properly connected to a charged
oxygen bottle, when the main valve is opened oxygen under pressure
enters the high-pressure fitting, passes through the nozzle, enters the
housing, extends or lengthens the bellows, and operates the toggle
joint. If the admission valve is closed when the oxygen is turned on the
bellows will be extended to the point where the toggle joint will force
the seat tightly on the end of the nozzle, thereby shutting off the flow
of oxygen and the pressure from the bottle. As soon as the admission
valve is opened to supply oxygen to the wearer the pressure in the
bellows is reduced to a small extent and it contracts slightly, removing
the seat from the nozzle, and oxygen flows through the reducing and
admission valves. Oxygen continues to flow until the admission valve is
again closed, pressure is increased, and the reducing valve closes. This
cycle is repeated as long as the apparatus is worn or until the oxygen
in the bottle is exhausted. Thus, oxygen is supplied automatically as
the wearer requires it; he receives much or little, depending on whether
he is working or resting. The reducing valve should lie set to close or
"shut off" at a pressure of about 3 pounds per square inch. Two lock
nuts, one locking the adjusting screw on the outlet end of the reducing
valve and another locking the rod connecting the toggle joint and the
bellows, are used to safeguard the valve. No attempt should be made to
adjust the adjusting screw, the toggle joint and bellows rod, or the
three bolts that connect the high-pressure fitting to the valve housing.
If the reducing valve is not operating properly the safest procedure is
to return it to the manufacturer for adjustment or repairs. Tampering
with these adjustments or making improper adjustment will interfere
with operation of the valve and may result in shutting off the oxygen
flow completely or destroying the valve. Figure 1 shows details of
construction of the Gibbs reducing valve and how it is attached to the
apparatus. The McCaa reducing valve, although constructed somewhat
differently, is basically the same as the Gibbs reducing valve. It
therefore can also be used on the Gibbs apparatus.
The regenerator is a rectangular sheet-copper container or canister. It
has two compartments, top and bottom screens, and threaded inserts with
screens on the top near each end. These inserts are removed when the
regenerator is filled or emptied. When ready for use the regenerator is
charged or filled with 4 pounds (2 pounds in each compartment) of
cardoxide, which absorbs the carbon dioxide exhaled by the wearer.
Cardoxide is a specially prepared chemical; is a highly efficient
absorber of carbon dioxide; differs considerably from caustic soda and
caustic potash, which were used before it was discovered; and has
several outstanding advantages as regenerating material. (See p. 12.)
After being filled, the regenerator is fastened to the apparatus by
metal screws attached to the cooler, which are screwed into threaded
holes la the center of the regenerator inserts. It should l)e
removed from the apparatus, emptied, and refilled with fresh cardoxide
after each 2-hour wearing period. A charge of cardoxide should not he
used longer than one wearing period, particularly in actual recovery
work, as cardoxide will not absorb carbon dioxide efficiently over a
prolonged period of use. Moreover, when the limit of absorption is
reached it "breaks" quickly, and if it is used too long the wearer will
develop a severe headache, will he physically affected, and may be
overcome. Figure 1 shows details of construction of the regenerator, how
it is attached to the apparatus, and how air circulates through the
cardoxide in the regenerator.
Breathing Bag
The breathing hag, which is carried on the back, serves as an air
reservoir from and into which the wearer breathes. It has one
compartment with a capacity of about 8 liters (488 cubic inches) or
about 8 quarts when fully inflated. The latest type Gibbs breathing bag
is made of high-grade sheet rubber about 3/64 inch thick covered with
stockinet, constructed with vulcanized seams so that the bag is
virtually one piece of rubber. The top of the bag is attached to the top
of the cooler by two screws and by a metal ring having threaded
projections in the center of the inside layer of the fabric. This metal
ring, when placed over an opening in the center of the cooler, permits
free interchange of air between the bag and cooler. The cooler is
constructed of sheet metal and cools the purified exhaled air coming
from the regenerator. It is divided by a metal partition into two
compartments known as the exhalation (small) side and the inhalation
(large) side. Attached to the center of the cooler on the exhalation
side is the admission valve, which extends through the breathing
bag-cooler opening into the bag. This valve is one of the most important
features of the Gibbs apparatus and forms part of the opening and
closing system of the reducing valve. Connected to the admission valve
the cooler is a metal oxygen-supply tube that leads to the bottom of
the inhalation side of the cooler and connects with a rubber
oxygen-supply tube attached to the reducing valve. When the wearer
inhales and the breathing bag is drawn nearly flat, a metal "bumper"
plate within the bag strikes the stem or pin of the admission valve and
opens it; if the main bottle valve is open oxygen is thereby permitted
to flow through the reducing valve, the oxygen-supply tubes, and the
admission valve into the breathing bag. From there the oxygen can be
drawn into the wearer's lungs or joins the purified air from the
regenerator. When the wearer exhales the breathing bag is inflated or
expanded, raising the bumper plate, and the admission valve closes,
which closes the reducing valve in turn. A safety valve is attached to
the cooler at the point where the oxygen-supply tubes join. This valve
is designed to operate at about 7 pounds pressure and at the same time
give a whistle warning. Its function is to protect the wearer if the
reducing valve fails to shut off at the proper pressure. If the whistle
sounds while the apparatus is being worn the wearer should close the
main bottle valve, obtain oxygen by means of the bypass valve, and
return to fresh air at once. Threaded connections are provided for
attaching the upper end of the bypass tube to the inhalation side of the
cooler and to connect the inhalation- and exhalation-tube couplings to
openings in the top of the cooler. Figure 1 shows details of
construction of the breathing bag, cooler, admission and safety valves,
and oxygen-supply tubes and how they are attached to each other and to
the apparatus.
The wearer of a Gibbs apparatus breathes entirely through his mouth, as
a steel-wire clip closes the nostrils completely. The complete
mouthpiece assembly comprises a rubber mouthpiece firmly attached to a
T-shape metal mouthpiece housing that contains a horizontal mica-disk
inhalation valve; a similar exhalation valve; a U-tube saliva-trap with
a mica-disk
valve on the outlet of the tube; and a hand-operated release valve
attached by a threaded connection on the bottom outlet of the
saliva-trap barrel. Attached to the metal mouthpiece are flexible,
corrugated-rubber tubes that connect to the cooler by threaded
couplings. When the apparatus is worn, the rubber mouthpiece fits snugly
between the lips and teeth of the wearer and is held in place by straps
attached to the mouthpiece, which are fastened or buckled to a suitable
cap or head strap. When the wearer inhales, the inhalation valve opens
and the exhalation valve closes and when he exhales the exhalation valve
opens and the inhalation valve closes, compelling the air to circulate
through the mouthpiece, breathing tubes, regenerator, cooler, and
breathing bag in one direction. The saliva-trap and release valves are
so arranged that the wearer can release excess pressure, clear the
apparatus of nitrogen, and discharge accumulated saliva to the outside
without danger of drawing outside air into the apparatus. When the
release valve is operated and the wearer exhales to the outside air, the
exhalation breathing tube should always be pinched or squeezed to close
it off, thereby forcing the exhaled air through the release valve
instead of returning it into the apparatus. Figure 1 shows in detail how
the mouthpiece is constructed and how it is attached to the apparatus.
A bypass tube, with one end connected to the outlet of the bypass valve
of the bottle valve and the other end to the bottom of the inhalation
side of the cooler, is used to supply oxygen to the wearer independently
of the main bottle, reducing, safety, and admission valves. Should any
or all of these valves fail to operate properly the wearer should open
the bypass valve momentarily to obtain oxygen. If this occurs during
work in a dangerous atmosphere, he should continue operating the valve
in this manner and return to fresh air for adjustment or repair of the
A pressure. Rage, graduated in atmospheres and carried in a leather
pocket on the front of the right shoulder strap, indicates the pressure
in the oxygen bottle and permits the wearer to determine the amount of
oxygen remaining. The gage is connected to a flexible, canvas-covered,
coiled-metal tube attached to the outlet of the gage valve. A
needlepoint valve fastened to the high-pressure fitting of the reducing
valve controls admission of oxygen into the gage tube and gage.
A sheet-metal cover over the breathing bag, cooler, regenerator,
reducing valve, and other vital parts protects them against direct blows
and falling material. The various parts of the apparatus are attached to
a rigid, tubular, metal frame or to other parts connected to the frame.
An adjustable padded-leather harness consisting of body and shoulder
straps supports the apparatus and attaches it to the wearer. The
complete apparatus, fully charged, weighs about 38 pounds.
Oxygen and air circulate through the Gibbs apparatus as follows: When
the main bottle valve is opened, oxygen passes through it into the
reducing valve, into the rubber oxygen-supply tube, into the metal
oxygen-supply tube enclosed in the cooler, into the admission valve
attached to the center of the cooler, and into the breathing bag.1"
The oxygen leaves the breathing hag through openings around the
admission valve, enters the inhalation side of the cooler, and is drawn
by the wearer into the inhalation tube, through the inhalation valve,
into the mouthpiece, and into the lungs. Exhaled air containing unused
oxygen and carbon dioxide passes into the mouthpiece, through the
exhalation valve, into the exhalation tube, into the exhalation side of
the cooler, into the regenerator, and into the inhalation side of the
cooler to repeat the cycle, fresh oxygen being supplied from the bottle
through the reducing and admission valves as required. When the bypass
valve is opened, oxygen passes through the bypass tube into the
inhalation side of the cooler and the breathing bag and from there i.s
drawn into the lungs. When the gage valve is open and the main bottle
valve is opened oxygen passes into the coiled-metal gage tube and into
the pressure gage, which indicates the pressure in the oxygen bottle.
Figure 1 shows details of the circulation of oxygen and air in the
A Gibbs 2-hour apparatus when fully charged (135 atmospheres) will last
the wearer about 15 hours if at complete rest and 2 hours or more if he
does the utmost physical work possible in that time. The apparatus
actually has furnished a wearer 5 liters of oxygen per minute over a
5-minute period of particularly violent exertion, it being impossible
for him to continue the test much longer on account of physical
limitations. With the admission valve open and oxygen flow
unobstructed a fully charged Gibbs apparatus will feed about 20 liters
or quarts (1,220 cubic inches) of oxygen per minute, an amount
considerably more than a wearer can consume. The oxygen supply of a
fully charged apparatus would therefore be exhausted in about 12 minutes
if allowed to flow freely to the outside air. To determine the flow,
attach a tube from the inhalation side of the cooler to a flow meter or
measuring bag; with the main bottle valve open hold the admission valve
open for 1 minute, and measure the amount of oxygen that passes through
the admission valve.
The oxygen sold by manufacturers and dealers for use in oxygen breathing
apparatus is usually about 98 to 99 percent oxygen and about 1 to 2
percent nitrogen. This nitrogen, with that in the air in the lungs, is
fed into the apparatus with the oxygen and exhaled air; as it is not
absorbed by the lungs or chemicals in the apparatus it accumulates in
the breathing bag and other parts of the apparatus unless let out by a
release valve or other means. Consequently, if an apparatus wearer
starts with normal air, containing 20.93 percent oxygen and about 79.00
percent nitrogen or even a relatively .high percentage of oxygen, in
his apparatus and if he does not periodically operate a release valve or
similar device to dispose of the nitrogen the percentage of oxygen in
the air breathed will be lowered gradually by the inflowing nitrogen.
Sooner or later the wearer will be overcome, often without warning, and
will collapse because of insufficient oxygen. The apparatus should
therefore be cleared of residual or normal air and filled with
relatively pure oxygen by the wearer before he puts on the nose clip.
Moreover, the wearer should use the relief valve by exhaling through it
to the outside air about every 15 or 20 minutes while wearing the
apparatus to eliminate accumulations of nitrogen and saliva, as there
is always a possibility that commercial oxygen may contain over 2
percent nitrogen. If the directions in test 12 (p. 46), containing
detailed information on the elimination of nitrogen and saliva from the
apparatus, are followed and if the wearer exhales properly, the air
breathed by the wearer of a Gibbs apparatus will contain at least 75
percent oxygen and not over 25 percent nitrogen. New apparatus bottles
or bottles in which valves have been replaced should be fully charged to
135 atmospheres, discharged to the outside air until almost empty, and
refilled. Any residual nitrogen in the bottles can be eliminated
The resistance to breathing in any apparatus should never exceed 2
inches of water gage while hard work is being performed for a 2-hour
period. If resistance is high the exhalation valve may fail to operate
properly; the wearer will then breathe part of the air just exhaled and
therefore unpurified. An excess of carbon dioxide accumulates in the
lungs, hindering absorption of oxygen by the blood and tiring the
respiratory system. As the carbon dioxide increases the rate of
breathing increases, the depth of breathing decreases, and the wearer
becomes nauseated or even collapses. Moreover, an apparatus wearer who
has been breathing against undue resistance may be sore in the chest or
hack for several days. In the Gibbs apparatus the pressure in the
breathing bag; when the wearer is not inhaling or exhaling is
approximately one-half inch of water gage and, when exhalation is
forced, approximately 1.5 inches. When an apparatus wearer breathes
deeply with the admission valve properly adjusted the pressure Is about
one-fourth inch of water gage. These pressures are not high enough to
affect, the wearer noticeably, even after a number of 2-hour periods of
strenuous apparatus work.
The cooler on the Gibbs apparatus usually keeps the air at a temperature
low enough to avoid discomfort or difficulty from heat. However, if the
wearer works hard or the mine temperature is high the air supplied by
this or other types of apparatus may in time become uncomfortably warm.
The Gibbs apparatus has a slight outward or positive pressure in all
parts of its air-circulating system. The danger from negative pressure
is that if the apparatus leaks while the wearer is in irrespirable gases
these gases will be drawn into the circulated air with serious and
possibly fatal results.
All oxygen breathing apparatus should be tested frequently
between periods of actual use to determine their condition and should be
tested carefully as to air tightness and working order before they are
worn in irrespirable or poisonous gases. All leaks found during tests
should be properly repaired and all defective parts repaired, adjusted,
or replaced before the apparatus is used. It is extremely dangerous to
wear an apparatus in irrespirable air when it is not working properly
or is leaking. The following tests will show if the Gibbs apparatus is
ready for use :
After the oxygen bottle or cylinder has been charged to about 1,984.5
pounds per square inch (13o atmospheres) hold it in a vertical position
with the valves down. Open the main valve, and close it quickly. Water
blown from the valve shows that moisture has gathered in the bottle.
Remove accumulations of moisture, sediment, rust, or scale by taking
the valves out of the bottle and draining and cleaning the bottle.
Forcing or carrying water or sediment into the reducing valve or
apparatus is dangerous.
To test the main bottle valve firmly attach a metal cap provided for
this purpose to the outlet of the valve of a charged bottle, and open
the valve; then immerse the valve and the neck of the bottle in water.
Escaping air bubbles around the valve stem, packing gland, or bottle
connection indicate leaks. Then close the main valve, remove the metal
cap, fond again immerse the outlet of the valve in water. Air bubbles
indicate that the valve is not closed tightly or that it has a defective
seat. Repair all leaks and repair, adjust, or replace all defective
parts found during either test before the bottle is used. Test the
bypass valve in the same manner as the main valve. After determining
that there are no leaks In the valves and the bottle connection place
the fully charged bottle in the frame of the apparatus (making sure that
the reducing-valve gasket and the copper screen in the reducing-valve
oxygen-bottle connection are in place, clean, and in good condition),
and attach the reducing-valve connection firmly to the outlet of the
main bottle valve. Then attach the bypass-tube connection snugly to the
outlet of the bypass valve, and tighten the metal strap attached to the
apparatus around the center of the oxygen bottle.
With the oxygen bottle properly attached to the reducing valve
disconnect the oxygen-supply tube from the outlet of the reducing valve,
and attach a low-pressure gage (fig. 3) to the reducing-valve outlet.
Next, with the outlet valve of the low-pressure gage closed open the
main bottle valve, and read the low-pressure gage, which will now show
the pressure (shut-off pressure) in the reducing valve. The pressure
reading should be about 3 pounds and should not be below 2 or above 5
pounds. If the shut-off pressure of the reducing valve is too high or
too low replace the valve.
With the main bottle valve open and the low-pressure gage still attached
open the high-pressure-gage valve (if not already open), and read the
high-pressure gage, which will now show the pressure in the oxygen
bottle. Then close the main bottle valve. If there are leaks in the
reducing valve, gage valve (open position), gage tube, gage, and their
connections the hands of both the high- and low-pressure gages move
toward zero. Locate leaks by brushing soapsuds over the parts and
connections under pressure. Repair all leaks and repair, adjust, or
replace all defective parts before the apparatus is used. Always
replace a defective reducing valve instead of attempting repairs. After
determining that there are no leaks close the high-pressure-gage valve,
and allow the oxygen to escape from the reducing valve by opening the
low-pressure-gage valve. This traps oxygen under high pressure between
the high-pressure-gage valve and the gage. If the high-pressure-gage
valve leaks the gage hand moves toward zero; if this happens, repair or
replace the valve. After determining that no leaks are present in the
high-pressure-gage valve (closed position) open it, and allow the
trapped oxygen to escape.
With the low-pressure gage still fastened to the reducing valve attach
the outlet of the gage to the oxygen supply tube, and open the
low-pressure-gage valve. Then open the main bottle valve, and open the
admission valve by pressing against the metal plate of the breathing
bag. This allows oxygen to flow through the reducing and admission
valves, and the low-pressure gage will indicate the flow pressure. The
oxygen-flow pressure for a reducing valve in good condition should be %
to 1 pound. Read the low-pressure gage, and determine the flow pressure;
then close the admission valve by raising the metal plate away from the
admission valve. If the oxygen-flow pressure is not satisfactory replace
the reducing valve.
With the low-pressure gage still attached to the reducing valve and
oxygen-supply tube, the low-pressure-gage valve open, the admission
valve closed, and the main bottle valve open press or squeeze the
reducing-valve bellows inward until the reducing-valve seat opens. This
allows oxygen to flow into the reducing valve, the low-pressure gage,
and the safety valve until a pressure is reached that will cause the
safety valve to whistle or blow off, relieving the increased pressure.
The safety valve should leak at about 6 pounds and whistle or blow off
at about 7 pounds pressure. Observe the low-pressure gage,
and note—as the pressure builds up—the pressure at which the safety
valve operates. Determine that the safety valve is operating properly;
then open and quickly close the admission valve to let the excess
pressure escape. Again observe the low-pressure gage; if the safety
valve leaks the hand of the gage moves toward zero. Locate leaks by
brushing soapsuds over the valve or by immersing it in a glass of water.
Repair all leaks and repair, adjust, or replace all defective parts
before the apparatus is worn. Determine that the safety valve is
operating properly and that no leaks are present; then close the main
bottle valve and open the admission valve to let trapped oxygen escape.
Remove the low-pressure gage, and connect the oxygen-supply tube (making
sure the gasket is in place and in good condition) to the outlet of the
reducing valve.
Close the admission valve by raising the metal plate of the breathing
bag (low-pressure gage not attached), and open the main bottle valve.
Then, with the high-pressure-gage valve open read the high-pressure
gage, and close the main bottle valve. If leaks are present the gage
hand moves toward zero. If the gage hand travels toward zero quickly
open and close the admission valve several times to blow out dirt that
may be lodged tinder the valve seat; if the" leaks continue cover with
soapsuds all parts and connections under pressure, from the admission
valve to the oxygen bottle, including the gage tube and gage. If the
leaks cannot be located by doing this the admission valve is doubtless
leaking; determine this definitely by removing the breathing bag and
brushing soapsuds over the admission valve while it is under pressure.
Stop all leaks by cleaning, repairing, or replacing the admission valve
before the apparatus is worn. If the gage hand remains stationary after
the main valve is closed, this test also shows that the safety valve,
oxygen-supply tubes, reducing valve, gage valve, gage tube, gage, and
all other parts and connections between the oxygen bottle and admission
valve are tight. Always make this test just before the apparatus is
worn, as it shows quickly if the parts of the apparatus under high and
intermediate pressure are tight.
Seal the bottom inhalation and exhalation openings of the cooler with
solid connections, and close the top opening of the inhalation side with
the palm of the hand ; or connect a water gage to the opening, and blow
into the top opening on the exhalation side. If no pressure can be
noticed at the top opening of the inhalation side, the partition is
tight. Another method is to block the bottom opening on the exhalation
side and blow in the top opening. However, it may be difficult, if not
impossible, to ascertain by this method if small leaks are present. If
the cooler partition leaks repair or replace the cooler before the
apparatus is worn.
Connect the regenerator firmly to the inhalation and exhalation sides
of the cooler, making sure that the gaskets are in place and in good
condition, and block the top opening of the inhalation side of the
cooler with the palm of the hand or a solid plug. Next, exhale forcibly
several times in the top opening of the exhalation side to inflate the
breathing bag. Then press slightly on the inflated breathing bag: if
leaks are present in the cooler, regenerator, breathing bag, and bypass
tube and their connections the breathing bag will deflate or collapse.
Locate leaks by brushing soapsuds over the parts under pressure or by
immersing them in water. (Also test cooler, regenerator, and breathing
bag when detached from the apparatus by closing openings and immersing
them in water while under pressure.) Repair all leaks and repair,
adjust, or replace all defective parts before the apparatus is used.
Determine that no leaks are present; then blow into the top opening on
the exhalation side of the cooler, with the regenerator in place, and
note if air issues freely from the top opening of the inhalation side.
If there is no appreciable resistance to breathing through the cooler,
regenerator, and breathing bag it shows that air circulation is proper
and complete. Forced breathing indicates undue resistance and probably a
defective or blocked regenerator, which should be corrected by careful
repairs or replacement before the apparatus is worn.
With the inhalation and exhalation tubes and their connections and the
rubber mouthpiece attached securely to the metal mouthpiece, place a
solid plug in the opening of the exhalation coupling and the thumb
firmly over the rubber mouthpiece opening, and immerse all of the parts,
except the inhalation-tube coupling, in water. Then exhale forcibly in
the opening of the inhalation-tube coupling. Air bubbles indicate
leaks. Next, with the solid plug still in the exhalation coupling (or
the opening blocked), place the end of the inhalation tube under water,
and exhale forcibly into the mouthpiece. Air bubbles coming from the
end of the inhalation tube indicate that the inhalation valve leaks.
Then remove the solid plug from the exhalation-tube coupling, place the
mouthpiece under water, and exhale forcibly in the opening of the
exhalation tube. Air bubbles coming from the mouthpiece indicate that
the exhalation valve leaks. Next, place the rubber mouthpiece in the
mouth, and inhale and exhale through it quickly several times to see
that the mica-disk inhalation and exhalation valves are working
properly, that they open and close freely, and that they have a clear,
ringing sound. Remove the bottom of the saliva trap containing the
release valve from the metal mouthpiece, immerse the rubber mouthpiece
in water, and exhale forcibly in the saliva-trap barrel. Air bubbles
issuing from the mouthpiece indicate that the mica-disk valve in the
saliva trap is leaking. Next, replace the release valve on the saliva
trap, milking sure the gasket and spring are in place and in good
condition, and operate the plunger of the valve several times to make
sure it works freely. Replace the solid plug in the exhalation-tube
coupling, immerse the release valve in a glass of water, and exhale
forcibly into the rubber mouthpiece. Air bubbles issuing from the
release valve indicate leaks. Remove the solid plug from the
exhalation-tube coupling, and carefully examine the rubber mouthpiece,
breathing tubes, and the nose clip. Bend the mouthpiece and tubes in
various directions to make sure that they are flexible and that there
are no defects, and bend the nose clip to see that it has enough spring.
Finally, place the nose clip on the nose, and attempt to inhale and
exhale deeply through the nose. If the clip is adjusted properly
breathing through the nose will be impossible. Repair all leaks and
repair, adjust, or replace all defective parts found during the tests
before the mouthpiece and tubes are used. Determine that there arc no
leaks in the mouthpiece and tubes and that the valves art operating
properly; attach them firmly to the cooler (making sure the gaskets are
in place and in good condition) by means of the breathing tube-cooler
Check the completely assembled apparatus for air tightness; after the
previously described detailed tests of the various parts have been made
by the two following tests:
1. High- (and intermediate-) pressure side.—Close the admission
valve by raising the breathing bag, and open the main bottle valve;
then, with the gage valve open, read the high-pressure gage, and close
the main bottle valve. Keep observing the gage; if the hand remains
stationary after the main bottle valve has been closed the parts (high-
and intermediate-pressure side) under pressure— admission valve, safety
valve, reducing valve, gage valve, oxygen-supply and gage tubes, gage,
and all connections from the admission valve to the oxygen bottle—are
Always make these two tests just before the apparatus is worn; if no
leaks are found it shows that the completely assembled apparatus is
tight and free of leaks. Locate leaks by brushing soapsuds over the
parts under pressure. Repair all leaks and repair, adjust, or replace
all defective parts before the apparatus is worn in irrespirable air.
After the completely assembled apparatus has been tested and found to be
fully charged, airtight, and in good condition attach the cover to the
apparatus, put on the apparatus, and adjust the body straps to fit. Then
place the rubber mouthpiece in the mouth, adjust it, and fasten it
snugly in place with the mouthpiece straps and the buckles of the hat,
cap, or special strap. Inhale deeply from the apparatus, and exhale
through the nose to the outside air at least four times to empty the
apparatus completely of normal air. Then open the main bottle valve,
inhale from the apparatus and exhale through the nose to the outside air
at least three times (o inflate the breathing bag by momentarily opening
the bypass valve, and inhale from the apparatus and exhale to the
outside at least three times), and place the nose clip snugly on the
nose. Then open the bypass valve momentarily to make sure it is working
properly. Finally, firmly pinch the exhalation tube to provide
resistance; open the release valve on the mouthpiece; and exhale
forcibly to the outside air throng the open valve to make sure it is
working properly. Repeat this procedure (pinching the exhalation tube,
opening the release valve, and exhaling to the outside air) three or
four times every 15 or 20 minutes to dispose of accumulated nitrogen and
saliva. Completely emptying the apparatus of normal air before turning
on the oxygen, inhaling from the apparatus and exhaling to the outside
before the nose clip is put on, and exhaling to the outside periodically
while the apparatus is being worn are extremely important. If the
directions a followed properly nitrogen and saliva will not accumulate,
and the wearer will be provided with air containing a high percentage of
After the apparatus has been adjusted to the wearer
and cleared of
nitrogen it may be worn for about 5 minutes in a room filled with
formaldehyde or dense smoke. If no fumes are detected in the inhaled
air, the breathing is easy, and the apparatus is operating properly it
can be trusted to give satisfactory service during a wearing period in
poisonous or irrespirable gases. If a smokeroom is not available during
recovery operations (which is generally the case), or even if the
apparatus has been worn in a smokeroom, the following test should be
made to duplicate or supplement the smokeroom test: After opening the
main closing valve, clearing the apparatus of nitrogen, adjusting the
nose clip, and reading the pressure gage of their apparatus, members of
the crew should travel a short distance ahead of fresh air and stop for
about 5 minutes to see that the apparatus are 'airtight and working
properly before exploring or working in irrespirable or poisonous
gases. If leaks are detected in any apparatus the entire crew should
return to fresh air immediately. Before the apparatus are worn in
irrespirable air the main bottle valve should always be locked open by
attaching the safety chain.
A man properly trained in the use of the Gibbs apparatus should be able
to make the 10 tests of the various parts of the apparatus as described
and examine rubber parts for wear and deterioration in about 15 or 20
minutes, using approximately 10 atmospheres of oxygen. When the
apparatus is kept fully charged, maintained in good condition, and
tested regularly and frequently a man well-trained in its use can
determine within 1 minute, by making the two tests of the completely
assembled apparatus, whether it is safe for use in irrespirable or
poisonous gases. |