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Author: Janwillem Bech, 30 June 2006
From escalator inventor to wreck
- Did you ever think of diving whilst you were
on an escalator? Neither did I, till I wrote this article. John
Felzenbeek, a friend of mine, gave me a photograph and that was the
beginning of this story. The picture below showed some kind of dive
tank which had caterpillar tracks. The tank looked very robust and
reminded me of the old Galeazzi 1 atmosphere suits. It had a strange
looking axle which purpose was unknown to me. I kept the photograph
in an envelope for some weeks until I saw a picture of the same
‘tank’ in Hermann Stelzner’s book ‘Tauchtechnik’. My curiosity was
raised. The tank’s description was spectacular and the book
encouraged me to do some more research.
- In his book, Hermann Stelzner speaks of I.W.
Reno as the inventor of this tank. Later on it appears he made a
small mistake which prolonged my search.The inventor was Jesse
Wilford Reno, i.e. J.W. Reno! This American inventor is not in the
first place famous for his invention of an underwater tank, he of
all people is the inventor of the escalator! In 1899 Reno registered
his patent to ‘the Reno Inclined Elevator’ and found the Reno
Inclined Elevator Company & Co. Short after he registered his
inventions he sold his company to Otis in 1920.
- After his career with Reno Inclined
Elevators and Otis, Reno started the ‘ Reno Marine Salvage Company’.
Jesse W. Reno invented a system to salvage ship wrecks from
considerable depths and proportions. Hereto he designed an
underwater vehicle to shoot or drill holes in the wreck. In this
holes a hook with a chain was installed by a moveable manipulation
- Attached to this chain there was a
submersible pontoon measuring 4.5 x14 meter with a lifting capacity
of 200 tons.
- With a number of this pontoons a sunken ship
could be made afloat by inflating the pontoons with air.
- In order to make the wholes Reno patented an
underwater tank with a 4” canon that could shoot wholes in the
- In the same year (1919) he also filed patent
for an identical underwater tank equipped with a drilling mechanism.
- The tank was equipped with a 20 hp motor to
drive, drill and to establish the hook to the submersible pontoon.
- The patents shown here give detailed
information as to the ways ships could be salvaged.
- The salvation of the ‘Scally’ a 500 ton
weighing steamer that lay on 20 meters of depth at Long Island
Sound, proved that Reno’s method was more than fiction. In the
patents it is described that the compressed air was going to the
tank’s cabin via an open connection to the surface. Stelzner
describes in his book however, that the tank was functioning
autonomously and could do so for 24 hours without surfacing. If
that was the case it explains why Stelzner described this tank in
his book.
- There must have been an air regeneration
system on board. Below you see the available photos and biography of
Jesse Wilford Reno and a number of his patents.
- Another special detail I would like to
mention is that Reno also had a patent for a floating airfield that
could be moved by means of a propeller. In other words, an aircraft
carrier in very early days!
US patents
Hermann Stelzner
‘Tauchtechnik’, 1943, Verlag Charles Coleman, Lübeck
Private Photo collection
Jesse Wilford Reno:
He was an engineer and invented the escalator (William L. Reno ms.,
1975) and the first electric train in the sourthern U.S.. The following
is from archived records of the Otis Elevator Company: http://www.elevator.com/archive/
gparch07.htm :
During the summer of 1896, crowds at Coney Island, New York marvelled at
the world's first escalator. Built by Jesse Wilford Reno, the "inclined
elevator" was one of the most popular exhibits at the seaside amusement
center that season. According to the Guiness Book of Records, it
attracted 75,000 people during its two-week debut at the Iron Pier.
Reno's inclined elevator did not resemble the escalators of today. It
was actually a moving ramp "of a continuous or an endless belt made of
sections, preferably cast iron." The sections formed semi-step cleats
which were hinged and grooved to mesh with the prongs "of a comb-like
landing." Each cleat tilted upwards nearly 25 degrees, putting the
riders' toes unnaturally higher than their heels.
Two years later in 1898, Charles D. Seeberger and the Otis Elevator Co.
produced the first escalator with true steps having vertical risers and
horizontal treads. The steps of the Seeberger-type escalator became
defined as they emerged from the floor, and then flattened out along
long runs at the upper and lower landings, allowing riders to step on
and step off. At each exit, riders were directed off the escalator by an
angled balustrade under which the flattened steps disappeared.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the only companies selling
escalators were the Reno Inclined Elevator Co. and Otis. In 1911, Otis
acquired Reno's company and the rights to all his patents. Reno
continued to work for Otis until 1920, when he left to organize the Reno
Marine Salvage Co. which manufactured vertical pontoon systems to
salvage sea vessels. During his lifetime, Reno was awarded 12 escalator
Early installations of Reno-type escalators around the world included
Earl's Court Station, London Underground (1912), Salon Rajo Theater,
Mexico City (1912), T. Eaton Company, Toronto (1913), Nordiska Kompaniet,
Stockholm (1914) and Mitsukoshi Department Store, Tokyo (1919).
The world's oldest escalator may be a Reno-type installed in 1917 at
Strawbridge & Clothier in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Otis installed its
last Reno-type escalator in 1924. In those early years, only department
stores and public transportation systems showed any interest in
escalators. In an effort to improve sales, Otis redesigned the escalator
in 1920 combining the best features of both the Reno and Seeberger
designs. The new L-type escalator became an instant success. The new
models had steps which were combed, much like the Reno, but remained
horizontal from comb to comb. Combed treads and landings eliminated the
need for long, space-wasting shunt-runs while ensuring maximum comfort
and safety. As a result, Otis sold more L-type escalators from
1920-1922, than all earlier models combined.
Reno's engineering talents were not restricted to the field of vertical
transportation. Shortly after he graduated from Lehigh University in
Pennsylvania in 1883, he went to Colorado and began a career as a mining
engineer. He also worked as an electrical railway expert for the
Thompson-Houston Co. of Boston and the Edison Electric Co. of New York,
and he is credited with building the first electric railway in the
soutern United States in Georgia in 1891.
The same year the escalator made its debut at Coney Island, Reno
submitted a comprehensive plan to build a subway system to the Rapid
Transit Commission of New York. His plan described a double-decked
underground railway which could be built in three years. It included the
idea of conveying passengers underground via his "incline elevator."
Although the plan was not accepted by the commission, his idea to use
escalators in subway systems was widely supported, and he was later
recognized as "the man who saved New York City from the elevated".
In the mid-1930s Reno and his wife, the widowed Baroness Marie G.
Snowman, moved to Pelham Manor, a small, wealthy community in New York
where he lived in relative obscurity until his death caused by bronchial
pneumonia on June 2, 1947.
The submersible tank in the drilling version |
The picture from "Tauchtechnik" by Hermann
Stelzner |
This made Reno famous 1n 1899, the "Reno
Inclined Elevator" |
This is how it all started. Reno patented
his first ideas in 1921. The construction changed in the following years. |
Here his ideas began to take shape |
Here we see the first 1919 design of the
underwater canon! |
Later in 1925 he decided to drill the holes
instead of shooting them! |
Here you see the impression how the
invention lifts the sunken ship. |
And successful! |
Reno's idea of a floating airport! |
30 juni 2006
Van roltrap uitvinder naar kanonneer.
- Heeft u ooit aan duiken gedacht, toen u een roltrap gebruikte?
Nee, ik ook niet, tot ik dit artikel schreef. Een vriend van mij
John Felzenbeek gaf mij laatst een foto en daarmee begon dit verhaal.
De foto toonde een soort duiktank maar dan op rupsbanden. De
behuizing zag er buitengewoon robuust uit en deed mij aan de oude Galleazzi pakken denken. Vreemd was echter dat er een soort as
uitstak waarvan ik het doel niet kende. Ik heb de foto een aantal
weken in een envelop bewaard tot ik laatst in het boek van Hermann
Stelzner “Tauchtechnik” tot mijn stomme verbazing diezelfde “tank”
zag afgebeeld. De beschrijving van de tank was spectaculair en het
boek van Hermann Stelzner zorgde ervoor dat ik verder ging zoeken.
- In zijn boek spreekt Hermann Stelzner over I.W. Reno als de
uivinder van deze tank. Later bleek hij hier een foutje gemaakt te
hebben waardoor het zoeken heel wat langer duurde. De uitvinder was
namelijk Jesse Wilford Reno, J.W. Reno dus! Deze Amerikaanse
uitvinder is in de laatste plaats beroemd geworden door zijn
uitvinding van een onderwatertank. Jesse W. Reno is namelijk de
uitvinder van de roltrap! In 1899 patenteerde Reno de “Reno Inclined
Elevator” en richtte de Reno Inclined Elevator Company & Co op. Kort
nadat hij zijn uitvindingen patenteerde verkocht hij zijn bedrijf in
1920 aan Otis!
- Na zijn loopbaan bij Reno Inclined Elevators en Otis begon Reno
de “Reno Marine Salvage Company”.
- Jesse W. Reno bedacht een systeem waarmee hij schepen van
behoorlijke diepte en afmetingen kon bergen. Hiertoe ontwierp hij
een onderwater voertuig om gaten in het wrak te schieten of te boren.
In deze gaten werd met een beweegbare manipulatie arm een haak met
ketting aangebracht. Aan deze ketting bevond zich een drijver van
4,5 x 14 meter met een hefvermogen van 200 ton! Met een aantal van
deze pontons kon het gezonken schip drijvend worden gemaakt door
lucht in de pontons te persen. Om deze gaten aan te brengen
patenteerde Reno een onderwater tank met een 4” kanon waarmee gaten
in het wrak konden worden geschoten. In hetzelfde jaar (1919) vroeg
hij ook patent aan voor eenzelfde onderwater tank uitgerust met een
boor mechanisme. De tank was uitgerust met een 20 pk motor om te rijden, te boren en de haak van de hefponton aan te brengen.
- De hier afgebeelde patenten geven in detail weer op welke wijze
de schepen konden worden geborgen. Dat de methode niet alleen fictie
bleek, bewees Reno door in de Long Island Sound het schip “Scally”
een 500 ton stoomschip succesvol van een diepte van 20 meter te
- In de patenten wordt beschreven dat Reno voor luchtvoorziening
lucht van atmosferische druk in de cabine bracht door een open
verbinding (beluchting) naar de oppervlakte. Stelzner beschrijft
echter in zijn boek dat de tank autonoom was en 24 uur onafhankelijk
van de oppervlakte kon opereren. Als dat het geval was verklaart het
ook waarom Stelzner deze tank in zijn boek heeft opgenomen. Er zal
zich dan ongetwijfeld een lucht regeneratie systeem aan boord hebben
- Hieronder treft u de beschikbare foto’s en een biografie van
Jesse Wilford Reno en een aantal afdrukken van zijn patenten. Als
bijzonderheid wil ik nog noemen dat Reno eveneens een patent had op
een drijvend vliegveld dat doormiddel van een aandrijving kan worden
verplaatst. Met andere woorden.. een heel vroeg vliegdekschip!
- 1) Bronnen: US patents
- 2) Hermann Stelzner “Tauchtechnik”
- 3) Private photo collection
- 4) http://www.elevator.com/archive