OK, here is a fine building plan for a fully closed circuit
rebreather. This page gives you tons of information. Please beware that most
homebuilders are highly experienced divers, technicians, specialists in
AutoCad, mechanical engineers, and educated rebreather divers. So don't even
think buying some PVC glue some piping, and start to built it in an
afternoon. On the other hand people need these articles to obtain the know
how to finally built there own. So have fun reading this great story. If you
just want to read about diving the Meggol click here
Later in 2004 Dave managed to further improve his rebreather
and build a complete ECCR. Here you
find the story!
Janwillem |
by Dave the homebuilder
Editing and
publishing: J.W. Bech
Towards the end of 1999
I came to the decision that I needed a rebreather to continue the type of
diving that interests me, with the costs of helium getting out of hand for
open circuit diving and the general limitations of this system I had a hard
think about my options. After looking at the types of commercially available
rebreathers on the market and there price I came to the decision I could not
afford one (beggar). So after doing some research in to how the machines
work I summed up my resources and decided to build my own.
I have a lathe and mill
in the back shed, which haven’t been, used since the lawnmower broke last
year, so the decision was made, start building.
The unit which I have
called the “DAVE-RITE MARK ONE” took two months to build it
cost $2000 Australian Dollars, and is working beyond expectations I have
been diving with the unit consistly and done some awesome dives. The machine
amazes me how well it works.
There are a whole
range and types of rebreathers and for what I wish to do I decided to go
for a fully closed unit with twin counter lungs in an over the shoulder
counter lung design similar to the inspiration. This design has the
advantage if keeping the counter lungs close to your own lungs (hydro
pressure center of gravity) “for lack of a better word” as well as
reducing the amount of work needed to move gas through the loop. The twin
counter lung design also increases the amount of time the gas takes to
travel through the scrubber between breaths, which is a good thing.
The lungs
The lungs are made
from surgical plastic, with welded seams, across the top, down one
Side and across the
bottom; this forms a tuff flexible bag 200 * 600 with a capacity of 4
liters each. This
large capacity gives the unit a good tolerance to flooding and a good
degree of user friendliness. The exhalation bag has an over pressure valve
in the bottom which also can be used to clear the loop of excess water if
The lungs outer bags
is made form tuff woven nylon with a Velcro zip, two straps are
sown in to the top
and bottom with plastic buckles on them which clip on to the back
plate over the
shoulder on to the waist belt. There is a third strap that clips across
the chest and keeps the lungs to gather in front of the body.
Lung fittings
The lung fittings are
machined out of solid PVC bar, a nut and flange arrangement, the
inside of the flange
has a O-ring grove and O-ring which seals on the inside of the plastic
bag. Hose fittings
fit down in to the flange part of the fitting and screwed down with a nut
they seal with a
fully captured O-ring.
Scrubber overview;
There are two main
types of scrubbers redial and axial, they both have advantages and
disadvantages, I
chose to build my scrubber on an axial design for compactness and ease
of manufacture. For
practical use you should be able to dismantle a unit without tools.
Scrubber integrity
The scrubber housing
needs to be able to with stand a far amount of abuse, it need to with
stand positive
pressure of 2.5 bar min with out flying a part. The sealing parts need to
tolerate sand and
other particles and still seal.
The scrubber is made
in three main parts, outer casing, cap, and inner sleeve,
The outer casing is
machined out of a piece of high pressure PVC pipe 160 OD * 140 ID
The bottom cap is
machined from a solid piece and glued in to the pipe the cap and inner
sleeve are both
turned from sold bar. Inner sleeve internal volume is 1.5 liters 130 dia *
190 height. There is
a gas space around the inner sleeve and outer casing, which acts as
an insulator
keeping the unit at near ideal operating temperature.
The type of material
you use is most important. I built my scrubber out of PVC for
Its low cost compared
with other engineering plastics, its thermal properties, low water
absorption PVC will
absorb 5% of its mass total so you need to give consideration to
allowances when
designing mating parts, its has very good machining ability.
PVC also has a high resistance to chemical attack PVC can also be glued
loctite 3801 epoxy adhesive.
Scrubbers need to
stay worm in cold water the CO2 absorbent is a chemical
reactions like
any other, if its
gets to cold or to hot when you are diving its all over.
I based my design
around using medical absorbent for its cost and ease of supply.
For example Baralyme
(barium hydroxide lime) made by
Allied Healthcare Products
This product seams to
work best around 40˚C to 50˚C once it drops below 40˚C its ability to
absorb high partial pressures of CO2 becomes reduced. As the
absorbent works it produces a small amount of water which is released as
steam, the steam condense out in the upper air space of the scrubber,
breathing tubs, counter lungs, so if the scrubber starts to loose to match
heat in to the surrounding water the absorbent becomes saturated with
condensation and
fails big time.
Loop Fittings:
Loop fittings are all machined out of solid PVC with fully captured
O-rings they are all
interchangeable, they
screw together and can rotate through 360 degrees when assembled.
This was the hardest part of the job the electrical housing is made from
stainless steel
with 6 mm lexane
window, a fully captured O-ring seals on all parts except the cable glands
which uses a O-ring compression system of my own design.
Mouthpiece is a Dräger unit. O2 cells are Teledyne R22D. Hoses are boat
deck filler hose
50mm * 400mm
Here are some additional photo's on the rig about the
backpack and the webbing. |
After the CCR diver
Dave built his own oxygen booster. |
And that’s about
Well, that was a nice story from diver Dave from Australia.
Also he was so generous to sent all design drawings available to you! So if
you want to use parts of this design, or you want to built a complete CCR
rebreather, here's the design. If you want to buy electronics there are
several 'ready to use' affordable solutions. If you can't find any, sent me
a line. I hereby post the original AutoCad® Drawings ready for downloading.
If you do not own AutoCad®, don't worry, drop me a line and I will sent you
DXF files instead, and a link to free downloadable software which
functions as a plug in in your browser to look at these files.
Dave thanks for your
contribution, you did a great job. Maybe you could sent us a dive report on
a nice Australian shipwreck later, to be added to this article!
Februari 2003 Janwillem Bech |
Download here the AutoCad files
And here is a nice
dive report on diving the rig. |
Diving the Meggol with the Dave-Rite-MK1 |
Wednesday 6.30 AM 5/1/03
It was a typical summers morning for
Sydney; the sun was climbing over north head to the east and the day was
already worm.
Wednesday dives are cruise dives
there is normally no more then 4 divers on the boat. As the day unfolded
there ended up 7 divers on board 4 CCR divers and 3 OC two of the CCR's
being (Dave-Rite mark one) my self and Russ.
After the gear was
sorted and the boat loaded we were under way cruising out through Sydney
heads. Diving conditions were near perfect near flat sea with a slight
southeast wind. The team normally decides on the wreck to dive on the way
but to day a young man was on course his first twin tank dive so the wreck
was to the Meggol.
The Dumbar a former British
minesweeper renamed the Meggol was purpose sunk to form part of a artificial
ref it took 2.5 hours to sink length 231 feet and lies in 48 meters of
After a 45 minute boat ride we were
over the wreck and picked in first go, time to gear up and in to the water.
After getting my kit on a quick self check and I am heading to the side of
the boat with 60% o2 in the breather loop, over the side and on my way to
the anchor rope. At the anchor rope I check the ppo2 reading .42 dumped the
air from my dry suit and BCD and started heading to the bottom. At this
point I should say my rebreather is manual add o2. On the way down my right
hand is fairy busy adding diluent air to the dry suit, clearing the ears, at
about 38 meters down the wreck starts to come in to sight
So on with the brakes (air to the
BCD) with a nice soft landing on the bow.
Now a quick check of the ppo2
reading 1.2 not bad a short bust of O2 then get the
torch going and on my way. What to do, I started to head to the stern yes I
need a bit of practice in getting through man holes so I found the way in to
the boiler room it’s a square hole just big to fit my shoulders through.
Reached back with my right hand and unclipped my bale out tank from my waist
belt and move the tank forward with my legs straight the center of gravity
moves forward and the air in the suit runs to my feet putting me a vertical
position line up the man hole and head first through. Once through I move
the tank back, pull my knees to my chest and back to the horizontal with out
even a kick.
Once in I check ppO2
1.1 better add a bit the meters start climbing back to 1.4 with every breath
as I look around and make my way down the side of the boilers I think time
is taking its toll on her the wrecks are starting to become dangerous or
should I say more dangerous. As I come in to the engine room, right now, to
get out there is a roof vent
Open over the room it’s a little bit
narrow so it’s a careful job to get through again unclip the bottom clip on
my bailout tank and keep it in front of my body reach through the vent with
my left arm and put my arm pit on the side of the vent opening. With a
careful wiggle I start to get through beggar now I am stuck. At times like
this my mind goes back to a science fiction move called Dune where young
Paul Atrades say to him self “I must not fear for fear is the mind killer”
who ever wrote that line is dammed right. After a bit of squirming about I
get through check ppO2 1.2 add a bit, check the time
18 minutes no problems I just pop down to the stern and back to the anchor
rope. On the way back to the anchor I sight a flash of yellow one of the
inspiration boys that’s good they haven’t pulled the anchor yet bag accents
are such a pain. After a 20-minute deco I am back on the boat having a cup
of sups and talking to the guys. I am looking forward to my next overseas
trip to dive the Prince of Wales and the Repulse.
The Dave-Rite is a very user
friendly unit to dive great balance and very forgiving I have worked the
unit to the limits of my breathing at 20 meters depth with out any sings of
co2 hit I am self taught on the unit and simply amazed how well it works.
Happy diving Dave